Folio Box

Printed photos bring your digital memories to life.

Photo prints can be mounted or matted, which gives your photos a sturdy backing, making them easy to frame.

Use an acrylic block to showcase the mounted or matted photos.

Your photos deserve more than just being downloaded from a digital cloud and left on your devices.

Your Folio box will be cherished for years to come.

A Folio Box is a handcrafted box that stores printed portraits (either Matted or Board Mounted)

The Folio Box is an excellent product if you are looking for an alternative to Photo Albums.

The folio box holds from 5, 10, 15 up to 30 matted or mounted photos. These handcrafted prints can be displayed on an easel or table display, on bookshelves, dressers, or even framed as wall art or gifted to lovedones!

Boxes come in 8x10 and 11x14 size.

They are offered in Oak, black and white wood finish.

There is a wooden box with an option for a USB or a wooden box with a window for photo display for multiple photos.